Sunday, April 29, 2012

Canon Workshops - Signup Methods

For anyone who is interested in signing up for the upcoming Canon Photography Workshops, we now have three ways for you to do so!

1) Call or stop by any of our four locations to give your name and contact info for the class or classes of your choosing.


2) You can sign up easily on Facebook by choosing "Join" on the page for the event you'd like to attend by going to


3) We now have an online signup form on our website!  Visit and visit the "Click here to signup" link to be added to the attendance list!

That's it!  We look forward to seeing everyone at the workshops!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

April-June Photo Contest

Congratulations to Ashley Randle for winning March's Photo Contest! To view her winning entry, head on over to our website!

As indicated by this posting's title, our next contest will be held over a three month period. But we're also going to double the prize! For the next contest, we're making it open entry. Basically, that means...

"Anything Goes"

We want you to just send us whatever you feel is your best work! The rules are the same; one photo entry per person for the contest period and content restrictions are still in place. And the winner of this three month contest will earn themselves a $100 gift card to use at any of our locations across Hawaii! Get creative, and get shooting!

Entries to the photo contest can be sent via email, or dropped off or mailed to our Lahaina location.  Here are the basic submission guidelines:
  • Email submissions should be sent to
    • Please be sure to include in the subject, "April-June Photo Contest"
    • Submissions should be the original, hi-res file to ensure best image quality
  •  If you'd like to mail or drop off your photo, an 8x10 would be the prefered print size
    • Physical entries should be sent to/dropped off at:
      Lighthaus Camera
      143 Dickenson St. Suite 102-A
      Lahaina, HI 96761
  • Please be sure your entry includes the following:
    • Your contact info (name, address, phone number and email)
    • The photo's title and a brief description
  • Images shall not contain depicitons of violence, drugs or nudity - any images with these present will automatically be disqualified
  • Only one entry per person, per month
    • An individual may only win once within a six month period
  • Please be sure to review the full contest rules and regulations at the link below for detailed submission info
Remember to make it interesting!  And should you choose to use post-processing in your image, you will be judged on the photo itself as well as how clean and well done your processing is!

April-June Photo Contest Info
General Photo Contest Rules

Thursday, April 5, 2012

North to South

We've moved!

Our Kahului store on Maui has been relocated to the Longs Plaza in Kihei!  A lot of work went into getting the new store ready and we're happy to say that we're open for business and ready to serve you once again!

Come check out our new store at 1215 South Kihei Road!  If you'd like to call us, our number is still the same; (808) 877-5155.  We look forward to seeing you!

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