Sunday, June 12, 2011

Nikon... Moving Forward

This news maybe a little old, yet relevant.  Nikon has announced the new 50mm f/1.8 G lens.
The key component of this revision being the G ring.  The G ring takes place of the older design that was the manual aperture ring found at the back of the lens.  This manual aperture was some what of a hinderence to the many (and the number grow every day) entry level Nikon shooters.   The G ring gives an Error message when not locked down, and is well known to not focus on certain cameras.  One thing is the newer G ring lenses will not interface with the older film cameras.  In this day in age focusing on the digital cameras broadens the customer base.  We are waiting for allocations of this new lens.  The Japan Crisis has slowed the delivery a little, but hope prevails.

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