Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Time Lapse Photography

What do you need for time lapse photography?
  • Camera
  • Lens
  • Tripod
  • Memory card
  • Remote

What settings should I use?
I would suggest a shutter speed fast enough to show motion of speeding objects, or a fast shutter speed to freeze the action. Your chosen shutter speed will help decide the frequency of each shot. In the following example I used 1 sec exposures spaced out by a second. At the end of the video I'm using 4 sec exposures with a 2 second delay. This is not the rule, and there are no rules. Just go out there and have fun and experiment.

What remote did you use?
I used what is referred to as an intervalometer. This remote switch has a self-timer, interval timer, long exposure timer and exposure-count. I used the Canon TC-80N3

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