Saturday, September 7, 2013

Saturday Showcase: What the $%&* is P Mode?

Here we have two of the world's most popular camera makers. Nikon and Canon. This will not be a discussion of which is better or whose takes better pictures. To me, it is like what do you like better Coke or Pepsi? McDonald's french fries or Jack In The Box's curly fries? Chocolate or vanilla ice cream? You get the idea.

As you can see both cameras are set to P mode. In more simple terms, p mode is similar to the green auto modes on the cameras but p mode allows you to make adjustments while the camera determines the aperture and shutter speed for correct exposure. You are able to control the flash, ISO, white balance, and exposure compensation modes. Think of it as kind of like a semi-automatic setting.

Now that you know what Program mode is, take your setting off the green mode and see what your camera can do. Lighthaus Camera has several different cameras available from Nikon, Canon, Olympus, Pentax, Intova, and Leica. Each store has different inventory. Call to find out what we have available or better yet come on down to any one of our four locations and see for yourself.

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